Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dots, Squares, Dots in real life?

This is way late, but I'm doing it anyways!!
So remember those dots? Well we had to narrow down to just 3! Then with those three dots we had to make topographic maps. A contour and a magnetic one for each solution. I chose to put all of the same type on one page and make it one big map.
 My favorite was the magnetic, it was just much easier for me to see the paths it was going to form. The contour was a little more difficult to me. It's not that I didn't understand how to do them, but I just didn't enjoy them as much as the magnetic lines.
We were also asked to find dots in real life. My pictures aren't the best, my camera phone isn't top notch. But here they are:

And here's a extra one just because I thought it was fun!

Moving on, we had to test gesalt with squares. YAY! I got chewed out for my poor quality and my vagueness. :-/ So not my best work, but I learned what I need to do next time, and it can only get better from here right?

So there you have it.. I'm not completely caught up yet. So keep looking for more!!

1 comment:

  1. will check back and yes you will find your work gets better and more interesting with each project.
