Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm not much of a story teller, but here it goes.

I think I tell stories better in video form, so I have a couple videos for you all to check out! But first my story:

Lines In Traffic

We all have been in a car, driving or riding somewhere. And I’m sure we’ve all experienced some type of traffic. Slow, fast, average, none. I guess you can say I was in average traffic on my journey back from The Woodlands Mall with Emily.  It started out being stuck in the line to exit Mall. For some reason everybody just wanted to take forever to get on the service road that day. Emily and I waited for the longest time. When we finally got on the service road, traffic was so clear that I just didn’t understand the hold up earlier. As we got on I-45 north traffic got a little heavier. But it still wasn’t too bad and we actually made it back to Huntsville within the hour. The way to The Woodlands was a pain. There was a line of cars heading to a funeral holding up traffic. That sounds a bit rude, but at first we didn’t know why we were stopping. Anyway, back to the story. The tricky thing about driving is you have to stay in your line. Although I wasn’t driving, I like to look and see if the driver is in the lines. Emily was in her lane the whole time because she’s an excellent driver. I also observed all the lines that the cars ahead of us make. Even though everyone stayed in his or her own lane, the line was crooked because ever car wasn’t dead center. It’s interesting to watch how other drive. You can tell when they are keeping themselves centered or keeping the car centered. It’s funny because Emily asked me if I was going to use the traffic lines as my short story and I said no at the time because I thought I’d come up with something better. But as I recorded the lines in traffic, I started to like the idea more and more. Maybe it is because it was another opportunity for me to make a video for class. Nevertheless, this was the time that I had to stay in line.



  1. open a youtube account through you gmail or blogger google account. if you upload to youtube first you can get a higher resolution video on your blog. after on youtube select embed and copy/paste into new post (edit)

  2. I actually already have a youtube account but it's just for music. I'll look into making a new one.
