Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why DID the chicken cross the road?

100 uncomfortable things:

  1. Bad jokes
  2. Random naked people
  3. Watching sex scenes with a family member
  4. When people touch me without my permission
  5. Hunger
  6. Seeing little children that are all beat up
  7. The taste of potatoes 
  8. The texture of potatoes
  9. The texture of soft things, like fur
  10. Dry skin
  11. When people stare at me
  12. When people look at me when I'm talking
  13. When people look at my mouth when I'm eating
  14. Eyebrows
  15. Meeting new people
  16. Watching myself in videos
  17. People hearing me talk to myself
  18. People hearing me sing
  19. Talking in front of people
  20. Laughing in front of people
  21. Bringing attention to myself
  22. Animal Planet shows that show a maggot eating away someone's eye.
  23. Hearing people eat
  24. Hearing people sniff
  25. Hearing people blow their nose
  26. Hearing people "pleasure" themselves
  27. Hearing people being pleasured by someone else O_O
  28. Owen Wilsons nose
  29. People who diss Lady Gaga in front of me
  30. Talking on the phone
  31. Talking to people in general
  32. My voice
  33. Using the restroom
  34. Hearing people use the restroom
  35. People hearing me use the restroom
  36. Standing in line at a crowded place
  37. Crowded places in general
  38. Funerals
  39. Weddings
  40. Graveyards
  41. Small crowds
  42. Closed spaces
  43. Open spaces
  44. Walking in front of people
  45. Gum smackers
  46. Toothless old people
  47. Watching animals use the restroom
  48. Talking to someone who has something in their nose
  49. Little kids bleeding
  50. Big people wearing too small clothes
  51. Watching people eat potatoes
  52. Stupid question
  53. Being the center of attention
  54. Watching birth control commercials
  55. Watching pregnancy test commercials
  56. Watching someone give birth
  57. Babies right after they're born, before they're cleaned
  58. Homophobes
  59. Pick-up lines
  60. Guys who like lesbians or bisexual girls but hate gay guys
  61. People who have no rhythm
  62. People who can't sing
  63. Peanuts
  64. Peanut butter
  65. Escargot
  66. Old guys who hit on young girls
  67. Old women who hit on young guys
  68. Middle age and older trying to dress "hip"
  69. Being called a hipster
  70. Being told all my clothes are guy clothes
  71. Socks
  72. Bra shopping
  73. Rain
  74. Hearing the rain
  75. Smelling rain
  76. Thunderstorms
  77. My little sister in her cuddling mood O_O
  78. Going back to work after being gone for a long time
  79. Liars
  80. Peer Pressure
  81. People who have high expectations of me
  82. Hairy bodies
  83. People who spit all the time
  84. Snot
  85. Public restrooms
  86. Laughing in a movie theater
  87. Having to laugh at customers bad jokes
  88. When customers try to hit on me
  89. Reading out loud, not knowing how to pronounce a word
  90. Not fitting in
  91. Family reunions
  92. The voices I sometime hear in my head
  93. Having Deja Vu
  94. Being called on to speak in class
  95. Wearing swim suits
  96. Wearing skirts and sometimes dresses
  97. "The talk" with my parents
  98. When I don't hear from anyone in hours
  99. Making phone calls
  100. Sitting in a doctors office

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