- Bad jokes
- Random naked people
- Watching sex scenes with a family member
- When people touch me without my permission
- Hunger
- Seeing little children that are all beat up
- The taste of potatoes
- The texture of potatoes
- The texture of soft things, like fur
- Dry skin
- When people stare at me
- When people look at me when I'm talking
- When people look at my mouth when I'm eating
- Eyebrows
- Meeting new people
- Watching myself in videos
- People hearing me talk to myself
- People hearing me sing
- Talking in front of people
- Laughing in front of people
- Bringing attention to myself
- Animal Planet shows that show a maggot eating away someone's eye.
- Hearing people eat
- Hearing people sniff
- Hearing people blow their nose
- Hearing people "pleasure" themselves
- Hearing people being pleasured by someone else O_O
- Owen Wilsons nose
- People who diss Lady Gaga in front of me
- Talking on the phone
- Talking to people in general
- My voice
- Using the restroom
- Hearing people use the restroom
- People hearing me use the restroom
- Standing in line at a crowded place
- Crowded places in general
- Funerals
- Weddings
- Graveyards
- Small crowds
- Closed spaces
- Open spaces
- Walking in front of people
- Gum smackers
- Toothless old people
- Watching animals use the restroom
- Talking to someone who has something in their nose
- Little kids bleeding
- Big people wearing too small clothes
- Watching people eat potatoes
- Stupid question
- Being the center of attention
- Watching birth control commercials
- Watching pregnancy test commercials
- Watching someone give birth
- Babies right after they're born, before they're cleaned
- Homophobes
- Pick-up lines
- Guys who like lesbians or bisexual girls but hate gay guys
- People who have no rhythm
- People who can't sing
- Peanuts
- Peanut butter
- Escargot
- Old guys who hit on young girls
- Old women who hit on young guys
- Middle age and older trying to dress "hip"
- Being called a hipster
- Being told all my clothes are guy clothes
- Socks
- Bra shopping
- Rain
- Hearing the rain
- Smelling rain
- Thunderstorms
- My little sister in her cuddling mood O_O
- Going back to work after being gone for a long time
- Liars
- Peer Pressure
- People who have high expectations of me
- Hairy bodies
- People who spit all the time
- Snot
- Public restrooms
- Laughing in a movie theater
- Having to laugh at customers bad jokes
- When customers try to hit on me
- Reading out loud, not knowing how to pronounce a word
- Not fitting in
- Family reunions
- The voices I sometime hear in my head
- Having Deja Vu
- Being called on to speak in class
- Wearing swim suits
- Wearing skirts and sometimes dresses
- "The talk" with my parents
- When I don't hear from anyone in hours
- Making phone calls
- Sitting in a doctors office
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Why DID the chicken cross the road?
100 uncomfortable things:
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